:: Laboratories of Civil Engineering Department ::
Soil Mechanics
Highway and Transportation Engineering
Environmental Engineering
Water Resources Engineering
Concrete Laboratory
Major Equipments:
Motorized Compression testing machine
Motorized Flexure testing machine
Laboratory Concrete mixer machine
Motor vibrator
Smith Rebound Hammer
Name of the Experiment
Determination of Specific Gravity of a given sample of cement
Determination of Fineness of a given sample of cement.
Determination of Soundness of a given sample of cement.
Determination of Consistency & Setting Times of a given sample of cement.
Determination of Compressive Strength of a given sample of cement.
Determination of Specific Gravity of a given sample of fine aggregate.
Determination of Moisture Content, Bulk Density & Deleterious Materials of fine aggregate.
Determination of Bulking of a given sample of fine aggregate.
Determination of Grain size distribution & Fineness Modulus of a given sample of fine aggregate.
Determination of Specific Gravity of a given sample of coarse aggregate.
Determination of Grain size distribution, Fineness Modulus & Bulk Density of a given sample of coarse aggregate.
Determination of Workability of fresh concrete by Slump, Vee-Bee and Compaction Factor tests.
Determination of Compressive Strength on cubes and cylinders of a given sample of hardened concrete.
Determination of Split Tensile Strength & Flexural tensile strength of a given sample of hardened concrete.
Non destructive test of concrete by Rebound Hammer.
Mix Design of Concrete for a given specification as per IS 10262:2009
Soil Mechanics Laboratory
Major Equipments:
Consolidation test Apparatus
California Bearing ratio test apparatus
Unconfined Compression Tester
Compaction apparatus
Name of the Experiment
Field identification of different types of soil as per Indian standards and determination of natural moisture content.
Determination of Specific Gravity of i) Cohesionless Soil
Determination of In-situ density of soil by core cutter method and sand replacement method.
Grain size distribution of a given sample of Cohesionless soil by dry sieving.
Grain size distribution of a given sample of fine grained soil by hydrometer analysis.
Determination of Atterberg�s limits (liquid limit, plastic limit & shrinkage limit) of a given sample of soil.
Determination of co-efficient of permeability of a given sample of coarse grained soil by constant head permeameter.
Determination of co-efficient of permeability of a given sample of fine grained soil by variable head permeameter.
Determination of compaction characteristics of a given sample of soil. SOIL MECHANICS LABORATORY-II
Name of the Experiment
Determination of compressibility characteristics of soil by Oedometer test (co-efficient of consolidation and compression index).
Determination of unconfined compressive strength of soil.
Determination of shear parameters of soil by Direct Shear Test.
Determination of undrained shear strength of cohesive soil by Vane Shear Test.
Determination of shear parameter of soil by Triaxial Test (Unconsolidated Undrained type).
Highway and Transportation Engineering Laboratory
Major Equipments:
Los Angeles Abrasion testing machine
Marshall stability test apparatus
Benkelman beam apparatus
Ring & Ball Apparatus
Pensky mertene flash point apparatus Name of the Experiment
Determination of Impact value of a given road aggregates.
Determination of Los-Angeles Abrasion value of a given road aggregates.
Determination of Elongation & Flakiness index of a given road aggregates.
Determination of Specific gravity of a given sample of bitumen.
Determination of Penetration value of a given sample of bitumen.
Determination of Softening point of a given sample of bitumen.
Determination of Loss on heating of a given sample of bitumen.
Determination of Stripping value of a given sample of bitumen.
Design of Bituminous Concrete (B.C.) & Semi Dense Bituminous Concrete (S.D.B.C.) mix for a given specification using Marshal stability test
Determination of CBR value of soil subgrade using unsoaked CBR Test.
Benkelman Beam test.
Environmental Engineering Laboratory
Major Equipments:
Digital DO meter
Digital pH meter
BOD apparatus
COD apparatus
Bacteriological Incubator
Floculator Jar test apparatus
Name of the Experiment
Determination of turbidity for a given sample of water
Determination of color for a given sample of water
Determination of solids in a given sample of water: Total Solids, Suspended Solids and Dissolved Solids
Determination of pH for a given sample of water
Determination of concentration of Chlorides in a given sample of water
Determination of carbonate, bi-carbonate and hydroxide alkalinity for a given sample of water
Determination of hardness for a given sample of water
Determination of concentration of Fluorides in a given sample of water
Determination of concentration of Iron in a given sample of water
Determination of the Optimum Alum Dose for a given sample of water through Jar Test
Determination of the Residual Chlorine in a given sample of water
Determination of the Chlorine Demand for a given sample of water
Determination of the Available Chlorine Percentage in a given sample of bleaching powder
Determination of amount of Dissolved Oxygen (DO) in a given sample of water
Determination of the Biochemical Oxygen Demand (BOD) for a given sample of wastewater
Determination of the Chemical Oxygen Demand (COD) for a given sample of wastewater
Surveying Laboratory
Major Equipments:
Auto level fitted with tripod stand
Dumpy level
Transit varnier theodolite
Electronic Total Station
Name of the Experiment
Chain surveying
Compass surveying
Plane Table survey
Water Resources Engineering Laboratory
Major Equipment:
Self - Recording Rain gauge
Double ring infiltrometer
Sunshine recorder
Name of the Experiment
Catchment area delineation (Manually and using DEM)
Calculation of average rainfall over a catchment area with arithmetic mean method, Thiessen polygon method and Isohyetal method
Use of different types of Rain gauges.
Measurement of infiltration rate using double ring infiltrometer
Measurement of evaporation using evaporimeter.
Measurement of bright sunshine hours using sunshine recorder.
Geology Laboratory
Major Equipments:
Petrological (polarizing) microscope
Wooden Crystal Models
3D Geological raised Models
Mineral Hand Specimens
Rock Specimens
Ore Hand Specimens
Name of the Experiment
Study of crystals with the help of crystal models
Identification of Rocks and Minerals (Hand Specimens)
Microscopic study of Rocks and minerals
Study of Geological maps, interpretation of geological structures Thickness problems, Bore-hole Problems