Best Engineering BTech and Management College in Kolkata West Bengal | NSEC - Laboratories of Bio Medical Engineering
  ::  Laboratories of Bio Medical Engineering  ::  
  • LAB – I   Bio-Engineering Lab
  • LAB – II   Biomedical Measurement Lab
  • LAB – III   Simulation Lab
  • LAB – IV   Bio-Electronics Lab
  • LAB – I   Bio-Engineering Lab (Room No. H401)


    List of Experiments:
    1. Identification and enumeration of various histological slides
    2. Blood film making and identification of different blood corpuscles.
    3. Measurement of total count for RBC & WBC & differential count for WBC.
    4. Determination of ESR, BT, CT
    5. Determination of Blood Group (ABO; Rh).
    6. Estimation of Hemoglobin
    7. Determination of blood pressure
    8. Measurement of pH, and conductivity of body fluid.
    9. Measurement of viscosity of Blood
    10. Recording and analysis of ECG, EMG, EEG
    11. Quantitative estimation of glucose (spectrophotometer / colorimeter)
    12. Quantitative estimation of proteins (spectrophotometer / colorimeter)


    List of Experiments:
    1. Mechanical characterization of metallic biomaterials
    2. Mechanical characterization of polymeric biomaterials
    3. Hardness testing of biomaterials
    4. Surface roughness measurement of biomaterials
    5. Estimation of haemocompatibility of biomaterials by hemolysis studies
    6. Measurement of torque required to tap and screwing in jaw bone.
    7. Determination of moment of inertia of human limb using dynamometer.
    8. Determination of moment of inertia of human bone using compound pendulum method.
    9. Stress-strain analysis of hip prosthesis
    10. Ultrasonic characterization of biomaterials-NDE


    List of Experiments:
    This department is privileged to have research project entitled "Development of Artificial Bone Grafts Material for Eggshell Waste for Orthopaedic and Dental Applications" sponsored by Department of Science & Technology (DST), Govt. of WB under the supervision of Dr. Sukumar Roy, Professor & HOD as Principal Investigator and Mr. Sujan Krishna Samanta, Assistant Professor as Co-Investigator.

  • LAB – II   Biomedical Measurement Lab (Room No. H402)


    List of Experiments:
    1. Characteristics of temperature sensors: RTD, Thermocouple, P-N junction diode transistor.
    2. Measurement of displacement: Capacitive transducer, LVDT
    3. Characteristics of light sensors: LDR, Photodiode, Phototransistor
    4. Study of load cell with tensile and compressive load
    5. Measurement of torque using strain gauge transducer
    6. Study of proximity detector: ultrasonic, IR
    7. Measurement of respiration rate: Thermistor, Piezoelectric sensors.
    8. Study of the characteristics of level sensor for saline IV set.
    9. Study & characterization of Biotransducers: Pressure, Temperature, Humidity
    10. Study & characterization of Bioelectrodes: ECG, EMG, EEG
    11. Mandatory Design and Implementation of Mini Project.


    List of Experiments:
    1. Power isolation: isolation transformer and DC-DC converters
    2. Timer circuits: ON delay and OFF delay study
    3. Characterization of biopotentials amplifier for ECG & EMG signals
    4. Isolation of bio-signal (EMG / ECG)
    5. Study on ECG lead selection circuits
    6. ECG processing and analysis
    7. EMG processing and analysis
    8. EEG processing and analysis
    9. PCG processing and analysis / electronic stethoscope
    10. Detection of QRS component from ECG signals
    11. Measurement of heart rate using F-V converter
    12. Mandatory Design and Implementation of Mini Project.


    List of Experiments:
    1. Study on colorimeter
    2. Study on spectrophotometer
    3. Study on flame photometer / infusion pump
    4. Study on galvanic skin resistance
    5. Study on blood flow velocity measurement – ultrasonic method
    6. Study on pulse oximeter
    7. Study on pulmonary function analyzer-Spirometer
    8. Study on EMG-muscle Threshold(Fatigue, Twitch, Summation,Incomplete&completeTetanus)
    9. Study on Pacemaker Circuits / Pacemaker simulator
    10. Study on simulated DC defibrillator / X-ray simulator
    11. Study on ECG simulator and servicing of ECG machine
    12. Study on muscle stimulator and EMG biofeed back system

    List of Experiments:
    1. Study on electronic BP and BP calibration
    2. Study on respiratory rate meter & apnea detection
    3. Study on ECG heart rate monitoring system
    4. Study on peripheral pulse rate monitoring system
    5. Study on digital body/skin temperature monitoring system
    6. Study on multi-parameter monitoring system
    7. Spectral analysis of biopotentials -Physiographic
    8. Study on cardiac stress analysis
    9. Study on US Doppler / Foetal monitor / US diathermy
    10. Study on hearing aid and audiometer: air and bone conduction
    11. Study on nerve conduction velocity measuring system
    12. Study on ultrasonic devices-transmitter and detector/bio-telemetry system
  • LAB – III   Simulation Lab(Room No.H403)


    List of Experiments:
    1. Familiarization with MATLAB and generation of various types of waveforms (sine, cosine, square, triangular etc.)
    2. Generation of different functions (unit impulse, unit step, RAMP, etc.)
    3. Find out the signal energy and power
    4. Analysis CTFT & DTFT
    5. Study Z- transform of: a) Sinusoidal signals b) Step functions.
    6. Compare Fourier and Laplace transformations of a signal.
    7. Study sampling theorem for low pass signals and band pass signals.
    8. Determine the components of: a) Square wave b) Clipped sine wave.
    9. Generation of various types of noise (uniform white, Gaussian, coloured, etc.)
    10. Study LPF &HPF, band pass and reject filters using RC circuits
    11. ECG signal analysis / Equivalent electrical circuit analysis of blood vessels.
    12. Mandatory Design and Implementation of Mini Project.
    Note: An Institution/College may opt for some other software or hardware simulation wherever possible in place of MATLAB.


    List of Experiments:
    1. Characteristics of Series & Parallel Resonant circuits
    2. Verification of Network Theorems
    3. Transient Response in R-L & R-C Networks ; simulation / hardware
    4. Transient Response in RLC Series & Parallel Circuits & Networks; simulation/hardware
    5. Determination of Impedance (Z), and Admittance (Y) parameters of networks.
    6. Frequency response of LP and HP filters
    7. Frequency response of BP and BR filters
    8. Generation of periodic, exponential, sinusoidal, damped sinusoidal, step, impulse, and ramp signals using MATLAB
    9. Representation of Poles and Zeros in z-plane, determination of partial fraction expansion in z-domain and cascade connection of second-order systems using MATLAB
    10. Determination of Laplace Transform, different time domain functions, and Inverse Laplace Transformation using MATLAB
    11. Spectrum analysis of different signals /Analysis of simple biomedical signals.
    12. Mandatory Design and Implementation of Mini Project. Note: An Institution / college may opt for some other hardware or software simulation wherever possible in place of MATLAB


    List of Experiments:
    1. Computation of convolution
    2. Computation of correlation
    3. Auto-correlation, cross correlation techniques of biosignal
    4. Design and application of digital IIR filter
    5. Design and application of digital FIR filter
    6. Frequency domain description of signal-DFT
    7. FFT and IEFT computation of ECG signal
    8. Design of 50 Hz adaptive filter
    9. Power spectral density of any sequence
    10. Estimation of power spectral density
    11. Reduction of ECG signal
    12. Wavelet transform
    13. A mini project based on biosignal processing


    List of Experiments:
    1. Image characterization and digital image fundamentals
    2. LP, HP, Mean and Median filtering of medical images
    3. Image transformation technique of medical images
    4. Image enhancement by histogram
    5. Image smoothing technique of medical images
    6. Image sharpening technique of medical images
    7. Point, line and edge detection algorithms
    8. Image segmentation technique of medical images
    9. Image compression technique of medical images
    10. Morphological image processing
    11. Reconstruction of CT images
    12. Fourier reconstruction of MRI images
    13. A mini project based on medical image processing

  • LAB – IV   Bio-Electronics Lab(Room No H404)


    List of Experiments:
    1. Study of Diode as clipper & clamper.
    2. Study of Zener diode as a voltage regulator.
    3. Study of ripple and regulation characteristics of full wave rectifier without and with capacitor filter.
    4. Study of characteristics curves of BJT & FET.
    5. Construction of R-C coupled amplifier & study the gain and Bandwidth.
    6. Study of class A & class B power amplifiers.
    7. Study of class C & Push-Pull amplifiers.
    8. Realization of current mirror & level shifter circuit using Operational Amplifiers.
    9. Construction & study of astable multivibrator using NE 555.
    10. Construction & study of monostable & Bistable multivibrator using NE 555.
    11. Study of Switched Mode Power Supply & construction of a linear voltage regulator using regulator IC chip.
    12. Mandatory Design and Implementation of Mini Project.

    List of Experiments:
    1. Realization of basic gates using Universal logic gates.
    2. Code conversion circuits- BCD to Excess-3 & vice-versa.
    3. 4-bit parity generator & comparator circuits.
    4. Construction of simple Decoder & Multiplexer circuits using logic gates.
    5. Design of combinational circuit for BCD to decimal conversion to drive 7-segment display using multiplexer.
    6. Construction of simple arithmetic circuits-Adder, Subtractor.
    7. Realization of RS-JK & D flip-flops using Universal logic gates.
    8. Construction of Adder circuit using Shift Register & full Adder.
    9. Realization of Asynchronous Up/Down counters.
    10. Realization of Synchronous Up/Down counters.
    11. Realization of Ring counter & Johnson’s counter.
    12. Mandatory Design and Implementation of Mini Project.
    Note: An Institution/College may opt for some other software or hardware simulation wherever possible in place of MATLAB.

    The project topics are decided in Phase-1 and the project work is to be carried out in group of 3 or 4.
    Industry projects are encouraged and promoted.
    Submit a report showing the design and implementation along with the literature survey.
    Project work is evaluated based on oral presentation and the project report jointly by external and internal examiners.

    Carry out a comprehensive work on the chosen topic which will stand them in good stead as they face real life situation
    Convert innovative ideas into working models /systems using all the concepts learnt anduse suitable modern tools.
    Take up any challenging practical problems and find solution by formulating proper methodology
    Expected to exert on design, development and testing of the proposed work.
    Industry related problems are highly encouraged and asses its impact.

    Innovation and Incubation Unit is an independent and cumulative Think Tank dedicated towards qualitative, innovative and employability-enhancing education, preparing the next generation as future leaders. The Centre provides a platform for the exchange of innovative ideas and thoughts and overall augment educational growth and research.